Albasha Sweets & Restaurant - Candace Lately

Albasha Sweets & Restaurant

By Candace Nelson - 1:46 PM

I found out about Albasha through a DA article. It is located on University Avenue, behind Tudor's and Hibachi. I knew Albasha had Middle Eastern cuisine, which isn't my favorite, but I'm always willing to try a new place. This "restaurant" is really more of a sweets shop with four tables. We picked up the menu, and there are really only four "dishes" to choose from - kebabs and shawarmas in chicken and beef. I choose the chicken kebab, as well as a spinach pie.

Before our dishes were complete, we were served hummus and pita. I seem to think most Middle Eastern food is bland, and this wasn't really much different. It was also served on a paper plate, which put me off a bit. The spinach pies were served soon after, and I was happy with the pie - the spinach wasn't too salty or bitter, but it was tasty with the doughy bread.

When my chicken kebab dish was ready, it came on a bed of basmatti rice and sweet peppers on the side. The four-piece chicken kebab tasted like four pieces of chicken, slightly spiced, on a stick. I wasn't impressed, considering I could have probably made it myself.

Since their specialty was sweets, I decided to get a variety dish that had just a bunch of their sweets in one box. I don't know any of the names, as the woman who served the candies just took a few from each tray and put them in the variety box. Unfortunately, there wasn't one single candy I was impressed with. Some were gel-based, none were really sweet, and most were pastry-like. It's just not my type of food, so that didn't help their case.

In addition to my not being satisfied with the food itself, the atmosphere made me very uncomfortable. I felt like I was intruding on a family business, with kids running around and the owners were sitting at a table, as well. Brittany would go back, but I'd rather not.

Grade: D
Albasha Sweets & Restaurant on Urbanspoon

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  1. "The four-piece chicken kebab tasted like four pieces of chicken, slightly spiced, on a stick." What else is a chicken kebab supposed to taste like Captain Obvious?!
    If you didn't like it then, you definitely won't like it now (new ownership).

  2. I guess I just wasn't impressed. I could've made it on my own. I was hoping for more flavor, something really creative and great. The flavor was bland. Maybe I'll like it if they've changed things up a bit?


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