Coach's Bar & Grille - Candace Lately

Coach's Bar & Grille

By Candace Nelson - 8:00 AM

Coach's takes out lots of ads on the local radio station, WVAQ, so I've heard about it fora while now. I just never had the chance to stop in here. It's located on Collins Ferry Road, so not too far a drive from my workplace for a quick lunch. I'm not familiar with that part of town, but it wasn't far at all. We just drove down Collins Ferry Road until I saw the "Coach's" sign. The parking was awkward - it looked to only be a handful of spots, but there could have been more that I didn't see. It looks to be part of an apartment complex, almost.

Anyway, when we walked inside, the first thing I noticed was how dark it was. Yes, I know it's a bar. But they offer lunch, so it's weird to have it so dark for a lunch place. But we had someone greet us, and we could choose where to sit. It was huge inside. There was another level down some stairs, but we didn't even venture that far. We stayed in the large front room and took the last booth, which was also huge. It wasn't just two benches across from one another, it was a semicircle, so we probably could have fit four or five more people in there. TVs were plastered everywhere, and it looked like there were pool tables. The bar was pretty big. Seems like a good place to watch the game.

Menus, condiments and paper towels were already on the table. I decided on a club sandwich because ... well, there weren't a ton of options that looked appealing - hot dogs, a few sandwiches and some appetizers. I also ordered a house salad. They didn't have french, so I opted for ranch.

A few minutes later, my salad came out. A chunk of lettuce, with some cheese and about two pieces of tomato - exactly what I hate. I love some veggies, so this just wasn't what I was hoping for. I went to pour my dressing on and realized it was chunky. Hmm, that's because it was bleu cheese. Since I had already poured it on the best part of the salad, I just decided to use it instead of ask for ranch. Luckily I'm okay with bleu cheese. A lot of other people wouldn't be.

My sandwich came out not too long after. It was huge. It was basically a giant wad of turkey and ham, with some soggy tomatoes, a couple pieces of bacon, lettuce and virtually no mayo. It's one of those sandwiches that is so tall, you have to basically unhinge your jaw to eat it, and then it's not even worth it. The ingredients weren't fresh, and there wasn't a good balance. It was basically just like eating a ham and turkey sandwich. The tomato was flavorless, and I had a few bits of bacon now and then. It was disappointing - no flavor, no creativity, no balance. But, I guess I got spoiled by some of the sports bars who can do lunch well. I'll stick to one of those next time.

Grade: C
Coach's Bar & Grille on Urbanspoon

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