Great Chinese Buffet - Candace Lately

Great Chinese Buffet

By Candace Nelson - 2:46 PM

Before the No. 1 Super Buffet was the big down in town, the place to go for a Chinese buffet was the Great Chinese Buffet, located at the Mountaineer Mall (5000 Greenbag Road (304)296-4050 "the old mall").

If you've been to this mall, you know there's not much more than a Goodwill, an antique store and a dance company. But for mall (Americanized) Chinese food, it's not bad. They have two long buffet islands with the usuals: General Tso's, Sesame Chicken, Chicken/Beef and Broccoli, Crab Cheese Wontons, Eggrolls, Spring Rolls, as well as things like macaroni and cheese and some desserts.

Everything seemed a bit watered down to me - nothing was popping with flavor. If I eat General Tso's, I want it spicy and sweet and tangy and indulgent. This was like a muted version of that. Not to mention, they ran out of bowls. Completely out. And it wasn't busy, so they may not always be completely on top of their game.

However, the price was only $8 for lunch, which is deal compared to other places.

Grade: C
Great Chinese Buffet on Urbanspoon

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