Clay Edition: Gino's Pizza & Spaghetti - Candace Lately

Clay Edition: Gino's Pizza & Spaghetti

By Candace Nelson - 9:00 AM

Gino's (Clay)Gino's (Clay)Breaking news sent us to Clay a week or two ago. After hours upon hours on the road, we needed a break for nourishment. We couldn't find a nearby mom and pop place, but Gino's was available. In we went.

I've only been to one other Gino's, and it was in Princeton - or Athens, technically. I wasn't super impressed, but this time around was definitely better.

For some reason, when I saw "calzone," I lit up. I knew immediately that's what I wanted. So, I ordered at the register, also picked up a WV county puzzle, and went into the dining room. The ambiance is much more attractive here. There's actual space, it was clean, and it didn't look like it had seen some tough days. It was nice.

Gino's (Clay)When my calzone came out, it was a large portion, but not embarrassingly large, which I've done before.

I went to town. That fork got a workout. But it was really quite good. Lots of sauce and cheese, and I was really a happy camper. It wasn't dry, it wasn't overdone, it wasn't soggy, the crust was the perfect light crisp on the outside but softer on the inside. It was kind of perfect, actually. I was also starving, so that probably plays into my review here.

I'm sure there are some more local restaurants, and I'd love to try them. But this was quick, easy, and really quite good.

Grade: A
Gino's Pizza on Urbanspoon

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